(470) 231-8101

Bringing Fitness and Wellness to Where You Are

Group Fitness is a great way to get in shape, stay active and see that you are not alone towards getting fit.


Fitness personal trainer atlanta ga


Getting Real Outcomes Uniting People


The most important KEY with MoFlukerLLC is the word G.R.O.U.P


Group fitness is an accountability machine to help you start and stay on track towards your health mission.  It is a mission because the journey toward good health is continuous.


MoFlukerLLC can bring fitness to where you are to your personal group.  All you have to do is show up and be ready to have a fun and get fit.


If you are not a part of a group, MoFlukerLLC has group fitness sessions that you can sign up for and still get the same group experience with other individuals just like you.



Personal One on One Training Sessions


We do offer one-on-one personal training sessions, but slots are limited.








Small/Personal Groups Workout Training

Bringing Fitness and Wellness to Where You Are

Bringing Fitness and Wellness to Where You Are